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Kossman Leonid /
Everyday dialogues
Скачать книгу Вся книга на одной странице (значительно увеличивает продолжительность загрузки) Всего страниц: 77 Размер файла: 454 Кб
At the Drug Store..............64 В аптеке
At the Dentist's Office........67 У зубного врача
At the Doctor's Office.........69 У врача
Doctors on Call................72 Вызов врача на дом
Discussing Nutrition Problem...74 Обсуждаем проблемы питания
Making Reservations............76 Как сделать предварит. заказ
1.Airplane Reservations..76 1.Билеты на самолет
2.Booking Train Tickets 2.Железнодорожные билеты
3.Hotel Reservations.....78 3.Номер в гостинице
4.Concert Reservations...80 4.Билеты на концерт
At a Hotel.....................81 В гостинице
At a Restaurant................83 В ресторане
At the Library.................86 В библиотеке
Appendix:American Business Приложение:Американская дело-
Correspondence........89 вая переписка.
This book is intended for adult Russian
learners of English.It presents a series
of dialogues that are customarily spoken
by Americans in real life situations.
The dialogues are taken from ordinary
situations of daily life-asking for
directions,making telephone calls ,prepa-
ring for a job interview,opening bank
accounts,and many more.
Everyday Dialogues is designed as a manual
for improving the Russian speakers'communi-
cation skills in modern American English.
All sentences are presented in English and
in Russian.
In some cases, a vocabulary section accompanies
the dialogues.This structural feature is nece-
ssitated by the fact that some specific topics
require additional informational units.
Because of the idiomatic nature of many
American phrases and expressions,their
Russian equivalents are often freely translated.
The author's intention has been to make
the book a practical working manual.
It is hoped that Everyday Dialogues will
serve all those Russian speakers who attend
English language classes, as well as those
students of English who prefer to improve
their knowledge of spoken American English
on their own.
All names and figures mentioned in Every-
day Dialogues should be regarded only as