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науки и новые информационные технологии. М., 1994. Вып. 2. С. 127-142.

Л П. Репина. Новая Культурная и интеллектуальная история            3 7

^ Из наиболее значительных публикаций следует отметить следующие: Ankersmit F.R.
The Dilemma of Contemporary Anglo-Saxon Philosophy of History // History and Theory. 1986.
В. 25. P. I-28; Partner N.F. Making up Lost Time: Writing on the Writing of History // Specu-
lum. 1986. Vol. 61. N 1. P 90-117; Carr D. Narrative and the Real World: an for Continuity //
History and Theory. 1986. Vol. 25. N 2. P. 117-131; Toews J.E. Intellectual History after the
Linguistic turn: the Autonomy of Meaning and the Irreducibility of Experience // American His-
torical Review. 1987. Vol. 92. N 4. P. 879-907: Brown R.H. Positivism, Relativism and Narra-
tive in the Logic of the Historical Sciences // American Historical Review. 1987. Vol. 92. N 4. P.
908-920; HobartM.E. The Paradox of Historical Constructionism // History and Theory. 1989.
Vol. 28. N 1. P. 43-58; Ankersmit F.R. Historiography and Postmodernism // History and The-
ory. 1989. Vol. 28. N 2. P. 137-153; Forum. Intellectual History and the Return of Literature //
American Historical Review 1989. Vol. 94. N 3. P. 581-626; SpiegelG.M. History, Historicism
and the Social Logic of the Text in the Middle Ages // Speculum. 1990. Vol. 65. N 1. P. 59-86:
Krausz M. History and its Objects // The Monist. 1991. Vol. 74. N 2. P. 217-229; Reisch G.A.
Chaos, History, and Narrative // History and Theory. 1991. Vol. 30. N 1. P. I-20; Norman A.P.
Telling It Like It Was: Historical Narratives on Their Own Terms // History and Theory. 1991
Vol. 30. N 2. P. 1 19-135; McCullagh С.В. Can Our Understanding of Old Texts be Objective? //
History and Theory. 1991. Vol. 30. N 3. P. 302-323; Mazlich В., Strout С., Jurist E. History and
Fiction//History and Theory. 1992. Vol. 31.N2. P. 143-181; Bevir M. The Errors of Linguistic
Contextualism // History and Theory. 1992. Vol. 31. N 3. P. 276-298; Martin R. Objectivity and
Meaning in Historical Studies // History and Theory. 1993. Vol. 32. N 1. P. 25-50; Zammito
J.H. Are We Theoretical Yet? The New Historicism, the New Philosophy of History and
"Practising Historians" //Journal of Modern History. 1993. Vol. 65. N 4. P. 783-814.

^ Novick P. That Noble Dream: The "Objectivity Question" and the American Historical Pro-
fession. Cambridge, 1988.

" Elton G.R. Return to Essentials: Some Reflections on the Present State of Historical Study.
Cambridge, 1991. P. 41.

' White H. Metahistory: The Historical Imagination in Nineteenth-Century Europe. Baltimore;
L., 1973; Idem. Tropics of Discourse: Essays in Cultural Criticism. Baltimore; L., 1978; Idem.
The Content of the Form: Narrative Discourse and Historical Representation. Baltimore; L.. 1987.

' Приоритет здесь, пожалуй, нужно отдать известному голландскому философу Ф Ан-
керсмиту. См., в частности: Ankersmit F.R. Narrative Logic. A Semantic Analysis of the Histo-
rian's Language. The Hague, 1983; Idem. The Reality Effect in the Writing of History: The Dy-
namics ofHistoriographical Topology. Amsterdam; N.Y., 1989.

Charlier R. Intellectual History or Sociocultural History? The French Trajectories // Modern
European Intellectual History: Reappraisals and New Perspectives / Ed. D. LaCapra, S.L. Kaplan.
lthaca, 1982. P. 41; Spiegel G. Op. cit. P. 59-78; Darnton R. An Enlightened Revolution? //
New York Review of Books. 1991. October 14. P. 33-36 etc.
" 18th International Congress of Historical Sciences. 27 August-3 September 1995. Pro-
ceedings. Montreal, 1995. P. 159-181.
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