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Всего страниц: 2518
Размер файла: 454 Кб
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     Frogs into Princes,  Richard B  andler and  John  Grinder,  Real People
Press (1979).
     Heart  of the Mind,  Connirae Andreas and  Steve  Andrcas, Real  People
Press (1989).
     Introducing  Neuro-Linguistic  Programming,  Joseph  O'Connor and  John
Seymour, Harper & Collins (1990).
     NLP  for Managers, Harry Alder, Piatkus (1996). NLP  for Trainers, Налу
Alder, McGraw Hill (1996).
     NLP: The  New  Art  and Science of Getting What  You Want, Harry Alder,
Piatkus (1994).
     NLP:  The  New  Technology  of  Achievement, Steve Andreas  and Charles
Faulkner (eds), NLP Comprehensive (1994).
     Re framing, Richard Bandler and John Grinder, Real People Press (1982).
     Timeline  Theory, Tad  James  and Wyatt  Woodsmall,  Meta  Publications
     To Be or Not  To  Be, David Bourland,  Jr and Paul  D. Johnston  (eds),
International Society for General Semantics (1991).
     Train Your Brain, Налу Alder, Piatkus (1997).
     Training with NLP, Joseph O'Connor and John Seymour, Thorsons (1994).
     Turtles  All  the  Way  Down,  John  Grinder   and  Judith  De  Lozier,
Metamor-phous Press (1995).
     Using  Your Brain  for  a Change, Richard  Bandler, Real  People  Press
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