Frogs into Princes, Richard B andler and John Grinder, Real People
Press (1979).
Heart of the Mind, Connirae Andreas and Steve Andrcas, Real People
Press (1989).
Introducing Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Joseph O'Connor and John
Seymour, Harper & Collins (1990).
NLP for Managers, Harry Alder, Piatkus (1996). NLP for Trainers, Налу
Alder, McGraw Hill (1996).
NLP: The New Art and Science of Getting What You Want, Harry Alder,
Piatkus (1994).
NLP: The New Technology of Achievement, Steve Andreas and Charles
Faulkner (eds), NLP Comprehensive (1994).
Re framing, Richard Bandler and John Grinder, Real People Press (1982).
Timeline Theory, Tad James and Wyatt Woodsmall, Meta Publications
To Be or Not To Be, David Bourland, Jr and Paul D. Johnston (eds),
International Society for General Semantics (1991).
Train Your Brain, Налу Alder, Piatkus (1997).
Training with NLP, Joseph O'Connor and John Seymour, Thorsons (1994).
Turtles All the Way Down, John Grinder and Judith De Lozier,
Metamor-phous Press (1995).
Using Your Brain for a Change, Richard Bandler, Real People Press