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                 N o m i n e   R e q u i u m
                     РАЗМЫШЛЕHИЯ ВСЛУХ

      At the door to the House of Darkness
         lies a pair of red coyotes with heads reversed.
      Nayenezgani parts them with his dark staff
         and comes in search of me.
      With lightning behin him,
         with lightning before him,
         he comes in search of me,
      with a rock crystal and a talking _ketahn_.

      Beyond, at the corners of the door
         of the House of Darkness,
      lie two red bluejeys with heads reversed.
      With lighning behind him,
         with lightning before him,
      He parts them with his dark staff
         and comes in search of me.

      Farther, at the fire-pit of the Dark House,
         lie two red hoot-owls with heads reversed.
      He parts these with his staff
         and comes in search of me,
         with rock crystal and the talking _ketahn_.

      At the center of the Darkness House
         where two red screech-owls lie with heads reversed,
      Nayenezgani casts them aside
         coming in search of me,
         lightning behind him,
         lightning before him.
      Bearing a rock crystal and talking _ketahn_,
         he comes for me.
      From the center of the earth he comes.

                                        Evil-Chasing Prayer.

      Вот так же,  сиянием голубой молнии осветил меня своим творчест-
вом Роджер,  подарив миры красоты и грации,  силы и воли, разума и на-
дежды. Hоша творца миров тяжела, но только благодаря этой тяжести воз-
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